miércoles, abril 29, 2009

First Meeting of Silverlight Designer and Developer Network in Sydney

Our next meeting is on Tuesday the 5th of May in Sydney

What's on?

This meeting we will see Chris Anderson (blog), from Peer Placements will be discussing advanced styling in Silverlight for both developers and designers. Topics will cover styling strategies, tools, advanced xaml techniques, fashions, and a discussion on designing user experiences.  

Jordan Knight (Blog) from Readify will run through the exciting new features in Silverlight 3, and demonstrate how you might use them in a real working reference application. This in depth session will cover perspective 3D, pixel shaders, navigation features, out of browser and much more. Other concepts like Model-View-ViewModel, dependency injection, unit testing and designing template friendly (read designer friendly) applications will also be touched upon.


Attendees will have the opportunity to win a copy of the full Expression 2 suite, worth $1000!

When and Where?

The date and time: Tuesday May 5 at 6:00 PM for a 6:30 PM start.

The venue is the Pyrmont Bridge Hotel, Level 2, Pyrmont, NSW. See map for details.

Attendance is FREE, but please RSVP by entering your details in the registration in the registration tool on the site (http://www.sddn.org.au) or send an email to info@sddn.org.au.

Who will this group interest?

The focus of the group is not just on developers. Traditionally developers have had great community support, whereas designers not so much… now that Silverlight 2 is out we plan to change this.

Silverlight is as interesting for developers as it is for designers. Due in part to Silverlight’s excellent separation of design and development concerns we have new problems to solve around finding the best ways to work together.

To this end the SDDN will facilitate an ongoing discussion and promote the development of ideas and best practices for anyone who works with Silverlight.

To register interest head over to http://www.sddn.org.au. Use the registration tool in the header of the site.