lunes, octubre 26, 2009

SDDN Sydney November Meeting


[NOTE: From now on, we will be publishing all Sydney SDDN info on, please subscribe to the RSS. Starting next month I’ll stop publishing announcements on my blog]

For this month, Justin King will be speaking about RIA Services and Miguel Madero will talk about different Testing Approaches for Silverlight Applications.

As usual we will meet the first Tuesday of the month at the Crown Hotel (map) in 162 Elizabeth Street at 6:00 pm to get some dinner and start the discussion followed by the talks at 6:30 pm.

Please RSVP on Facebook.

.NET RIA Services – Building Data Driven applications in Silverlight 3

Learn how Microsoft is simplifying the traditional n-tier application pattern by bringing together ASP.NET and Silverlight. See the new application framework that removes some of the complexity for connecting to your data layer and see patterns for working with data, implementing reusable and independently testable application logic, ease of client side validation and  see how this relates to other patterns such as MVVM. We are sure this will lead to lots of architecture debates and pros/cons of this framework.

Testing in Silverlight 

At first sight it looks like we don’t have a lot of options to test Silverlight Applications. Although it’s not an easy task, we do have a lot of alternatives. In this demo oriented talk, Miguel will present different approaches, techniques and types of tests from simple Unit Testing and Mocks to Visual Tests, UI Automation, REPL Testing, Performance, Memory Leaks and Recorded Web Tests.

2 comentarios:

Carina Casco dijo...

will be great more posts in your blog!!!!! keeping!!!

Miguel Madero dijo...

I've been thinking to and I'm blogging a lot in my head, is just that I've not been feeling like sharing or motivated to publish anything.