UPDATE 18/05/09: this is the link for the event, please register before the meeting and be sure you have Live Meeting installed on your computer. Some people have asked me about the place and how is this a Virtual Event. We’ll be using this tool called Live Meeting that allow us to interact with audio, video and share the desktop, polls, Q&A, etc, but rather than trying to explain what Live Meeting is, you can just try it tonight. Just register and follow the instructions.
SDDN it’s doing great after several meetings and trainings in Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Sydney we decided to try something a bit different that will give the opportunity to everyone to participate. Including designers and developers from Canberra and other cities, where we have not done any events yet.
When and Where?
May 18, 2009 at 9:00 pm Sydney Time. This will give enough time to everyone in the West Coast to get home, have dinner and be ready for the meeting. We’ll do it through Live Meeting. I’ll update this post with the link ASAP.
Instead of the typical presentation, we decided to have an open discussion around different topics. Each topic will have a different moderator who will do a brief introduction and open the floor for discussion. The moderator won’t be answering all the questions, he’s just a facilitator for the group, but also another participant with experience in the discussed topic. We’ll have three different topics during the meeting.
Who will participate?
Everybody that has an interest in Silverlight can attend. This is a space for Designers and Developers. In the last meetings we had a bigger presence of developers, but we’re really targeting both audiences, so you can expect topics of mutual interest.